Doctoral Dissertation

Below are the links to the papers of my doctoral dissertation.

Papers marked with an asterisk (*) are available as part of my printed dissertation. If you would like a free printed copy please contact me.

All other papers are linked to the publishers' versions and if you have trouble accessing them please contact me for an open access version.

My PhD was awarded by unanimous decision at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Mid Sweden University, on May 28th, 2013.

The papers which make up the dissertation have been cited over 500 times in total (Google Scholar, 2020).

Overview: *Tourism Development in Peripheral Areas: Processes of Local Innovation and Change in Northern Sweden.

Paper I: Brouder, P. (2012). Creative Outposts: Tourism’s Place in Rural Innovation. Tourism Planning & Development, 9 (4), 383-396.

Paper II: Brouder, P. & Eriksson, R.H. (2013). Staying Power: What Influences Micro-firm Survival in Tourism? Tourism Geographies, 15 (1), 124-143.

Paper III: Brouder, P. (2013). *Post-inscription Challenges: Renegotiating World Heritage Management in the Laponia Area in Northern Sweden. In M.G. Barbas, L. Bourdeau, & M. Robinson (Eds.) Tourism at World Heritage Sites: Global and Local Relations. Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate.

Paper IV: Brouder, P. & Lundmark, L. (2011). Climate Change in Northern Sweden: Intra-regional Perceptions of Vulnerability among Winter-oriented Tourism Businesses. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19 (8), 919-933.

Paper V: Brouder, P. & Eriksson, R. (2013). Tourism Evolution: On the Synergies of Tourism Studies and Evolutionary Economic Geography (Manuscript, final version available in Annals of Tourism Research, 43, 370-389).